Like i said in the previous post, its definetelly imposible for me to "separate" Posmrtna Liturgija, Samrt and Besomar! Cause to be honest they create a complete story! Anyway, Besomar are having the chance now! :) Although the members are almost same like in Samrt, still that doesn't mean that Besomar is copy of Samrt or the other way around! I really like the way Besomar tells you the story...For the ones who dont have strong character, prepare yourself for some changes in your life! :) Besomar sounds like Its giving orders to the fans and you have to obey and serve them! :) I really like the way they create the black metal...Its really great for me, cause i am simply amazed how these people found inspirations in everything, especially the proudness for being Serbian & the Slavic pride! You can definetelly see and admire to the fact how these guyz live, breath, think and create! Very powerfull duo! Besomar are: Nemanja-drums and keys, Demonetras-strings and scrims!
You are free to worship them at: myspace.com/besomarsrbija
1 comment:
Besomar je zakon. Nadam se da ce biti ozbiljan bend u buducnosti i izdati album posto ovo sto moze da se nadje na myspace je mnogo dobro.
pozz Sova
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