SAMRT is a True Black Metal Band coming from Apatin, Serbia. To be honest, i dont think i could put Posmrtna Liturgija to my blog, and ignore Samrt (or Besomar :) These two sick guyz can really represent the black metal to you and represent it in the finest way, believe me! You should take my word for it, especially cause i dont listen black metal that much! :) Its like they pretty slowly drag you to their dark cage and untill you say "worship Satan" you are already fan of Samrt! :) Samrt are: Nekrst-guitars & vocals and Nemanja- drums & bass, but at the live shows Demonetras (from May Result & The Stone (the posts below) supports them! SAMRT sounds just great, and i really enjoy in their sound! I hope these Sons of the Serbian God -Perun and Sons of the Serbian Land will get the right support they need and deserve! And I definetelly expect to hear more from these guyz! They are trully talented and they have the experiance, believe in the ideology they give, so thats why they stand on a solid rock! Dont think that 2 guyz cannot kick the shit out of you! Espeially kick the shit out of your Christian Ass!!! Worship them at: myspace.com/samrtsrbija
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