Check them out and give them the right support & respect they need and truly deserve at: myspace.com/cultofposmrtnaliturgija
The black light of Posmrtna Liturgija was lit up on winter of 2000. and back then there was only two members. The founder Dragan Pagan is very proud of having the strong idea of creating satanic cult unique for Serbian underground scene.
Pause took place for about six months, in work of creating true black metal magic, after which they continue with conquering on festivals in Serbia and couple former Yugoslav countries. Posmrtna Liturgija played with many metal bands such as: Avatar(ROM); Avenger(CZ); Casket Garden(HUN); Dark Storm(CZ); Debauchery(GER); The Stone(SER); Embriotomy(MAC); Enthrallment(BUL); Fleshless(CZ); Grenjar(NOR); Heretical Guilt(SER); Hypnos(CZ); Koldbrann(NOR); Korozy(BUL); May Result(SER); Negura Bunget(ROM); Orkrist(SK); Inferno(CZ); Sacramental Blood(SER);Vokodlok(ROM); and many others. In 2004. cause of variety of guitar parts and complexity of music in all, a second guitarist joined band and Posmrtna Liturgija shapes in it's final form and makes recognisibile style specific not only for Serbian, but for European black metal scene!
After a period Posmrtna Liturgija was, for a short time, one - man band, with only member worthy of the name PL, worthy to stand on a side of primal evil and in the name of true Father who gave him life, wisdom and salvation, to fight battles and move on to raise the flame much more higher! In This period came out great logo art done by Christophe Szpajdel lord of logos! At 2006., a drummer was L.G. from Serbian black metal bend Dead Shell Of Universe , but due to preoccupancy and lack of free time, he was replaced by Aksinomantijan, former drummer of Serbian Black Metal Horde The Stone, only man who is ready and technically can perform our way of satanic black metal In may 2007. Asmodeus from Serbian black metal band Zaklan joined Posmrtna Liturgija but due to his lack of understanding and his will to work with Posmrtna Liturgija Usud joined our conquering sect and soon will be ready to perform the songs of Posmrtna Liturgija in the real black light!
Dragan Pagan - Scream Invocations and Lead Conquering
Aksinomantijan - Hellish Maul
Pogani - Five String Plague
Usud - Secondary Summonings
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